Flight Operations Panel


The Flight Operations Panel was established on 8 June 2000 (and renamed in 2014 to FLTOPSP) to address increasing aerodrome capacity, procedures for all weather operations, limits for flight time, flight duty periods and rest periods, single IFR commercial operations and single pilot operations initially. The former Flight Recorder Panel (FLIRECP), established in March 1993, became a working group of the FLTOPSP in 2014.


The FLTOPSP will undertake specific studies and develop technical and operational ICAO provisions related to flight operations and flight recorders, including studies to ensure that proposed amendments to SARPs reflect current and emerging requirements for on-board flight recordings, taking into account developments in flight recorder technology.


Develop and maintain SARPs and guidance materials including flight recorder related provisions to support accident and incident investigations for commercial air transport, general aviation and helicopter operations.

Working Arrangements

The panel chairperson may establish additional working groups as necessary, as outlined in Doc 7984. The FLIREC WG is in charge of flight recorder provisions in ICAO Annexes and documents and ensures these are maintained up-to-date and reflect the safety investigation needs. FLTOPSP should coordinate its work with the various groups of experts responsible for other Annexes and disciplines, as appropriate.

Required expertise

The panel is composed of experts familiar with the provisions in Annex 6, PANS-OPS Vol I, who have operational experience in developing and implementing flight standards, commercial air transport operations, general aviation operations, helicopter operations, readout and use of flight recordings for aircraft accident and incident investigations and flight recorder installation and maintenance.

IFATCA ADOP REPRESENTATIVE - Oliviero Barsanti (Italy/Germany)

Mr. Oliviero Barsanti (Italy/Germany) represents IFATCA on the panel. Mr. Barsanti started his career as a military ATCO before becoming civilian in 1997. Today, he is still operational in Rome ACC/TMA and a peer of the CISM programme. He has also been serving the Federation on the Technical and Operational Committee (TOC) of IFATCA in the past. He is currently the President and CEO of the Associazione Nazionale Assistenti e Controllori della Navigazione Aerea (ANACNA), the Italian MA of IFATCA, and holds a private pilot license (PPL). Mr. Barsanti can be reached at oliviero.barsanti@ifatca.org.