The Regional Offices

ICAO, on top of its headquarters located in Montral, Canada, maintain seven Regional Offices worldwide that provide support and help coordination at the regional level for its Member States:

Regional Office are in charge of providing their member States with the following services. Their objectives are:

  • To assist with, expedite and follow-up on the implementation of regional plans and supplementary procedures, as well as the implementation of ICAO SARPs.
  • To oversee ICAO air transport policies and activities, encourage States to gather statistics and implement Annex 9 (Facilitation), to respond to economy-related surveys, etc.
  • To encourage coordination amongst all stakeholders to avoid duplication of effort and to ensure global harmonization. This is done through cooperation with the African Civil Aviation Commission (AFCAC), the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC), the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission (LACAC), etc.
  • To manage and oversee Regional Scholarship Programmes, assist with fellowship applications, provide advice with regards to requests for regional projects and to ensure familiarization of newly recruited experts in the field of technical cooperation.
  • To obtain and maintain current copies of regulations and laws of States under their jurisdiction, and to seek, when required, judicial information relating to aviation matters.
  • To encourage and assist on security-related aspects of aviation, in accordance with ICAO policies and SARPs. This includes the required monitoring and follow-up when applicable.
  • Other tasks and responsibilities, such as to report on implementation by States of Assembly and Council Resolutions regarding security, to relay information on accidents and incidents, to facilitate the distribution of ICAO publications and documents, to hold Regional Meetings, to manage media relations and provide presentations on ICAO activities.